Ten strategies to overcome your anxieties

Addiction Detox and Rehab

DATE 16/09/22

Here are 10 strategies to help you manage your regular fears and anxieties, no matter what it is that worries you.

These recommendations are for those who must manage regular concerns. See our article on generalised anxiety disorder if you have been given a diagnosis of an anxiety-related disorder.

1. Take a break

Thinking clearly is impossible when you're overcome by dread or worry. Take some time away so that you can physically calm down.

Take a 15-minute break from worrying by taking a stroll around the block, brewing some tea, or taking a bath.

2. Continue breathing despite your fear.

The best course of action is to not fight it if your heartbeat quickens or your palms start to sweat.

Stay there and don't attempt to divert yourself; just experience the terror. The palm of your hand should be on your tummy while you take deep, calm breaths.

The goal is to remove the dread of fear by assisting the mind in becoming accustomed to handling panic.

Try this stress-reduction technique: breathing

3. Handle your phobias

Fears are only made scarier by being avoided. Whatever your fear, it should start to subside if you face it. For instance, it's preferable to enter an elevator again the next day if you panicked the day before.

4. Think about the worst

Consider the worst-case scenario, which may include panicking and suffering a heart attack. then make an effort to imagine suffering a heart attack. It's simply not feasible. The more you pursue the fear, the faster it will flee.

5. Examine the proof.

Sometimes it is beneficial to confront scary ideas. Ask yourself whether you have ever heard of someone suffocating after becoming stuck in an elevator, for instance, if you are afraid of doing so. Consider what you would say to a buddy who was experiencing a comparable phobia.

6. Don't strive for perfection.

Despite the fact that life is stressful, many of us believe that our lives should be flawless. There will always be bad days and failures, and it's crucial to keep in mind that life is messy.

7. Think about a happy place.

Close your eyes for a moment and visualise a secure, tranquil environment. It may be a snapshot of you strolling along a lovely beach, curled up in bed with the cat next to you, or a pleasant childhood memory. Allow the good sensations to calm you till you are more at ease.

8. Discuss it

Sharing worries significantly reduces their terrifying power. Call a hotline like Breathing Space at 0800 83 85 87 or Samaritans if you are unable to speak with a spouse, friend, or member of your family.

Another option is to attempt Cognitive Behavioural Therapy over the phone using a programme like NHS Living Life. You can call 0800 328 9655 or visit the Living Life website to learn more about this appointment-only service (Mon to Fri, 1pm to 9pm).

You can seek assistance from your doctor if your anxieties don't disappear. GPs might recommend patients for psychotherapy, counselling, or support through an online mental health programme like Living Life to the Full.

9. Return to the beginning

Many individuals use alcohol or drugs as a self-medication for anxiety, but doing so will only make things worse. The greatest treatments for anxiety are frequently simple, every-day activities like a good night's sleep, a decent breakfast, and a stroll.

10. Give to yourself.

Give yourself a reward at the end. Reinforce your achievement after you've made the call you've been dreading, for instance, by rewarding yourself with a massage, a country walk, a dinner out, a book, a DVD, or any other small present that makes you smile.

Source: NHS Health Scotland